Moon Buzz Salve

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Moon Buzz Salve


After getting off hormonal birth control, my cramps were horrible. I was transitioning off all pharmaceuticals including over the counter drugs such as Tylenol, ibuprofen, etc.

Not knowing what to do to help make the pain stop, I was introduced to Peppermint essential oil directly on the skin >> specifically the womb / uterus area. Usually peppermint oil burns when directly applied to the skin; but brings cool calming effects by pulling the pain out with soothing relief when used in this case.

I was skeptical but desperate so I gave it a try. To my bewilderment, it worked, and well too!

Eventually as I healed my body, I no longer needed the peppermint oil, but still recommend to any that need it for this purpose.

I’ve been dreaming of offering this salve for many moons in hopes it will help other Woman find relief during potent times in a way that is non toxic.

Electric Daisies, Rose Hips, and Bees Wax all grown sustainably without chemicals and harvested from Cedar Tree Farms.

Apply topically as needed for menstrual symptoms relief.

Ingredients: Electric daisy Oil, Rose-hip Oil, Cacao Butter, Peppermint Essential Oil, Bees Wax

2 oz

When applied topically, Electric Daisy works to tighten the skin and improve elasticity. The anti-inflammatory effect soothes agitation and reduces redness and swelling.

Rose hips when used externally in oil form help restore firmness to skin by nourishing and astringing tissue.

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