PORTALS Series Class Package


PORTALS Series Class Package


You’ve probably seen or heard this word floating around but what does it actually mean and why do portals matter?

Class 1 : Introduction to PORTALS- what is a portal and why is it important? The practices on how to coddle your ego through any "death" that is stopping you from releasing self hatred, self animosity, and upgrade the system with practical tools to amplify the wattage or ability to hold fulfillment inside your portal/ see yourself to the other side of it victoriously. NAME YOUR PORTAL

How can you use the psychic mainframe of the MA to map out the portal you're in to begin to 2x the good, the warm, the positive, or whatever is you want more of inside your portal. Next week we dive deep into your PORTAL to get clear on everything we are responsible for and why.

Class 2: What feelings of indecisiveness and of being depressed or anxious are you calcifying instead of writing a different story? What thought forms are you addicted to? When the is the last time you rebooted your endocrine system that is wired for happiness and success?

Rewrite loss of energy, themes of the portal you're in and how to use them for your benefit. Wahe Guru for becoming more clear about our subconscious processes that aren't always the most clear to us - Wahe is that WOW. Guru is bringer of darkness to light. It’s not a religion or righteousness it’s a science- Wahe Guru!

Class 3: We are all in our own portals. It's up to each of us if we are going to lean into that transformation that the portal is asking us or not. Eliminate self animosity and self sabotage.

Class 4: Learning how to integrate and embody the lessons of your portal so that you can step into the next portal or version of yourself with grace, compassion, and strength to deliver the next iteration of your mission and destiny.

Dance the dance of death and rebirth with ease.

What is included:

4 Videos

Over Five Hours of content and experiences all directed at creating and tuning into your PORTALS

  • Step by step guidance

  • Journal Prompts

  • Tools to regulate the nervous system

  • Revisit these videos as needed to go back through and repeat these steps anytime you need

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